Jennifer Lynn Lopez, also known as J. Lo, is an American singer, actress, dancer, fashion designer, author and producer.
Jennifer Lopez is a classic example of what some might call an “anybody” with a “pork snout” face that, only with the wonders of plastic surgery, is now considered ever so beautiful. Oh, what it is to afford great plastic surgery…
She also seemingly has the personality and intelligence appeal of a Vaseline sandwich, which could be why all her exes dumped her in a short time. Only her less attractive husband has remained. She does not have a singing voice. It’s highly refined only through today’s technological alterations. Notice the multiple background singers cutting in to diminish her screeching. It is her svengali’s idea because she can barely act on screen. I’d be surprised if all the money he pumps into her presence lasts one more year. You can fool some of the people some of the time?